Matches have now concluded for the summer so courts are available for members at weekends

AMERICAN TOURNAMENT SUNDAY 26th AUGUST 2-4 pm. Please sign up in club house or email Phil on if you wish to take part. All adult members welcome (minimum of 12 people to sign up for it to take place)
Cost £6. Members only
Hoping to have BBQ following this if enough people sign up.

We are having courts 3 and 4 re-surfaced and hope to start on August 27th. Please be aware that both courts will be out of action for 3-5wks. We will keep everyone updated as to when it will start.

Message from Phil
Dear members.
Just to confirm we have one more week left of our adult summer holiday coaching programme. Please book in for this week asap. We then have a week off & resume on Monday 3rd September for 7 weeks.

The club now has a Debibrillator up in the club house
We have someone coming for a familiarisation course on Friday 7th September at 6.30pm. We hope as many members and parents will come as this is a fantastic opportunity to see how it can be used in an emergency.