


It has been lovely to see so many people up playing tennis and welcoming many new members
Please will everyone continue to follow the guidelines which are in place. Singles only. Nothing has changed
The board of Directors are having a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 2nd June to discuss what the LTA has to say following the government statement. The LTA hope to issue a statement early next week.
As a club we must follow these guidelines to ensure the club and its membership are insured.
Enjoy this wonderful weather and thanks for everyone’s co-operation
The Board of Directors

Individual coaching (1 to 1) is available for full adult members and juniors. Everyone must be a member to receive coaching. Please contact Head Coach Phil Layfield on 07815 927767 or email headcoach@shltc.info so he can help arrange lessons with the coaching team.

Message from the Head Coach:

Thanks to all those members who have been following the club, LTA and government guidelines in these challenging times. It has been great seeing our new online court booking system being used so much during the first week back. Please can I just remind you all of the following points:

Members are reminded to bring their own set of marked tennis balls to use when they are serving during a game. Please remember you should not be touching any other tennis balls but your own.
If you book a court and can no longer use it, please remember to cancel your booking to free up the court for other members to use.
Please vacate your court as soon as you can after your booking time has finished. A good guide is ten minutes to finish the game, ten minutes to clear the grounds allowing the next booking to arrive. This means we are following social distancing. Social distancing is vitally important in keeping the club open.
There are still coaching slots available for any member who wish to book with me.
Phil Layfield



By |2020-05-31T10:56:28+01:00May 31st, 2020|Latest News|0 Comments
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