What a terrible weekend for weather! Lets hope it improves soon
The Club house remains closed. Please take your rubbish home.
You can only enter the clubhouse one at a time for putting money in lights or for an emergency NOT to use the toilets. It is apparent this is NOT happening as the bins in the kitchen have been used.
Please follow the guidelines so the club can remain open.
All matches postponed
Men’s 3 v Sundridge Park 3 lost Team Jan Are Mo, Ian Goosey, Ricardo Pinheiro and Francesco Donadio
The rest of matches were postponed due to the weather
Well done to all members who represented the club.
Could members please be aware that all Directors at the club are volunteers and many work.
As secretary I get an awful lot of emails and phone calls which I answer ASAP but I am working for the NHS so people will have to wait for a response and be patient.
Visitors must be booked and paid for before playing at the club. Their name must be entered when booking. This is vital for track and trace especially with the new COVID guidance and to ensure we can continue to keep playing tennis. Also when leaving after playing please maintain social distancing and do not mix in groups. If you have booked for social and are not attending please email the secretary so our records are accurate. If people are booking for social please do so by 5pm Wednesday and Friday and 12MD Sunday. If there are any free courts after this time they will be released for general play.
Any questions re coaching contact Head Coach Phil Layfield
M: 07815 927767
E: headcoach@shltc.info
The pro rata membership is now available. Any queries re membership secretary@shltc.info
One person at a time may enter to put money in lights but only enter if club house if locked showing no-one is in there. Please contact secretary@shltc.info if new to club and need a key for lights.
Box leagues
These continue to take place successfully. If anyone has queries please contact Ricardo on ricphysio@gmail.com.
SHLTC Club competition
It is progressing well. See attached for progress
SHLTC Club Championships 2020 correct
Many thanks
The Directors
Shooters Hill Tennis Club