And still the weather has been very kind but very cold at times. Please ensure if you book a court and cannot play you cancel the booking to allow others to play.
To be able to access the booking system, social play and the coaching programme from 1.4.21 you must be a member for season 2021-22. Membership is done online through the club website Members may bring visitors which they book and pay for through booking. You can only bring the same guest 3 times and then they must join. Membership is NOT done through Clubspark. Please email me if you are having problems.
All adult members will be sent links to social play.( it is the same each week) If you need to cancel, please contact. Jan Mo on Only members can book social. To be added to hitting WhatsApp please email Jan as well
If interested in being in Adult Box leagues, please email Ricardo Pinheiro on
Once Phil is informed that membership has been received, he will forward the link to coaching. Junior and Adult coaching restarts this week. Please email Phil if you have any queries.
Please remember league matches start this Saturday 17th April which will mean there are less courts available to book on Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings. Good luck to all players who are representing the club
The guidance from the LTA/Government, coaching/tennis grid has been updated on the Home page of the website showing what can and cannot happen at the club. Signs are up at the club and we MUST follow these to ensure we can continue playing tennis.
We must still maintain social distancing, no socialising, and no spectators apart from one parent/guardian with each child. The club house remains closed but can be used for lights and toilets (one in one out)
Enjoy your tennis
The Directors
Shooters Hill Tennis Club LTD