The club website has been updated.
Unfortunately due to the COVID restrictions we cannot have an official farewell to Phil who leaves us on Saturday 17th July after being at the club for over 13 years and taking the club forward in so many ways. We cannot have more than 30 people on the club premises so we hope to perhaps persuade Phil to come back for an official farewell in the future. We would like to thank him for all he has done for the club and wish him well in the future.
Hope you like the pictures of Wimbledon taken by one of our members
NK Cup
Ladies Singles ( Simone Korsgaard-Jensen) beat Bexley and is now in the NK singles final. Well done Simone
Ladies Doubles Vets beat Park Langley. Well done to Diana Roberts and Ros McKeown who are now in the finals (Hope you like the picture on the update)
NK League
Ladies 1 beat Park Langley 1 Team were Maria Perfect, Simone Korsgaard- Jensen, Ros McKeown and Diana Roberts
Ladies 2 v Meopham 2 Postponed
Men’s midweek over 60 lost to Sundridge Park Team were Martin Roberts, Dave Jenkins, Jon Beaumont and Rob Thomas
Kent League
Mixed 1 lost to Frindsbury 1. Team were Matthew and Maria Perfect, Ruthie Frost and Francesco Donadio.
National League
Girls 18 and under lost to Sevenoaks Team were Thalia Remice and Marta Powell
Boys 12 and under lost to Ladywell. Team were Rifi Chakravarti and Nicholas Blanc-Smith
Well done to everyone who played and represented the club.
Club Finals day Saturday 24th July
Timings of matches yet to be announced. We do hope to be opened up and all members are welcome. We will give more details next week
The clubhouse will remain closed until further notice except for access to the toilet and to put money in the lights. We are looking forward to re-opening the clubhouse at a later date with COVID secure restrictions, but for the moment it will remain as it was in Step 2 of the Government Roadmap restrictions. We hope to have further news shortly
Regarding refreshments following matches, captains will discuss with their teams. COVID restrictions are on homepage of website.
Spectating is now permitted and the limit is subject to COVID -19 secure capacity of our venue. We ask that members / parents adhere to the Government social distancing rules and the rule of 30 outside on club premises.
To be able to access the booking system, social play and the coaching programme from 1.4.21 you must be a member for season 2021-22. Membership is done online through the club website Members may bring visitors which they book and pay for through booking. You can only bring the same guest 3 times and then they must join. Membership is NOT done through Clubspark. Please email me if you are having problems.
All adult members will be sent links to social play.( it is the same each week) If you need to cancel, please contact. Jan Mo on It is essential that if you book you turn up on time as these sessions are extremely popular amongst the members. Only members can book social. To be added to hitting WhatsApp please email Jan as well
If members are interested in being in Adult Box leagues, please email Ricardo Pinheiro on
Please remember you need a link to any coaching sessions from Phil.
You must have joined to receive this link. Once Phil is informed that membership has been received (form and payment) he will forward the link to coaching. Please email Phil if you have any queries.
We must still maintain social distancing. The club house remains closed but can be used for lights and toilets (one in one out)
Enjoy your tennis
The Directors
Shooters Hill Tennis Club LTD