Hope everyone is enjoying the wonderful weather
Following last night’s statement by the government we are considering adding things for members for coaching and greater access to the courts. We are awaiting a statement from the LTA who are working closely with the government,
Nothing is changing for the time being and all the guidelines remain the same. Please see website for details of this guidance.
The Board of Directors
These are working well and plenty of matches are being played
Continues to rise with many new members at the club
Email secretary@shltc.info if you are interested in joining
The coaching programme is now able to offer shared lessons( this includes siblings, partners/couples from the same household as well as junior ans adults members from different households. Furthermore, adult members can access U3 and Me which involves 3 members from the same or different households with 1 coach.
Everyone must be a member to receive coaching. Please contact Head Coach Phil Layfield on 07815 927767 or email headcoach@shltc.info so he can help arrange lessons with the coaching team.
If anyone is interested in attending group coaching when we are able to start could you please email Phil on headcoach@shltc.info